International Study Tour : Advancing Namibia’s Biomass Industry on the Global Stage

We are thrilled to share that our CEO, Mr. Progress Kashandula, and Mr. Daniel Shagama, our Operations Manager, are currently on an international study tour. They have a series of international meetings and will attend the KWF Tagung (Forest Conference and Fair, 2024) in Schwarzenborn, Germany. This event is one of Europe’s largest fairs, attracting over 50,000 participants and 600 exhibitors from around the world. The fair took place from Monday 17th June to the 22nd June 2024.

Following this, they will attend the European Biomass Conference and Exhibition (EUBCE) in Marseille, France, from 24th June to 25 June 2024. Here, our CEO will present a paper on the Namibian biomass industry, focusing on “Utilizing Biomass Value Chains to Sustainably Control Large-Scale Bush Encroachment of the Namibian Bush Savannah Ecosystem.”

Additionally, they will participate in the World Bio Market in The Hague, Netherlands, from 26th June to 27th June 2024. They will engage with various biomass investors and off-takers during this event. This tour provides an incredible opportunity for our team to engage with international biomass equipment suppliers. It aims to prepare N-BiG members and the broader biomass industry to scale up and meet global standards and specifications in the bioenergy sector. They will also connect with potential international experts, explore cutting-edge technologies, and forge valuable partnerships to drive the growth of Namibia’s biomass industry.
This study tour is part of the collaboration KVP project with the German Bioenergy Association (BBE) under Sequa and funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).
Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to advance our mission of promoting sustainable biomass practices in Namibia!

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